La Flo: 2021

A well-designed space should engage us in meaningful ways. It's more than just creating a space for functional and visual appeal. Therefore, it should activate our five basic senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste; and everything has to be in balance.


Out of these five, sight (vision) is often thought as the strongest of the senses. Most of the things that we perceive at first are what we see and understand visually. And this is where artworks fill in. An artwork gives space a personality and character, and at the same time also influences the mood of the space.


Artwork, furniture, and the interior should not shout and dominate the space on their own, but they should complement each other. Therefore, the sensitivity and sharp feelings of an artwork consultant, a furniture seller, and an interior designer are needed to be able to harmonize the atmosphere. It is not just about placing an artwork, but it is about integrating the spirit and personality of every element, each of them giving harmony like an orchestra. This is how it should be.