Ardi Gunawan Indonesian, b. 1983
This series started when I began painting again, initially as a form of therapy. I know art as therapy is often frowned upon or seen as less serious, but I’ve come to see it as a valid and meaningful practice. For these works, I was playing with improvisation and composition. There’s a tension here between structure—something planned—and formlessness. Some elements hint at a figure but never quite materialize into something fully recognizable.
I’ve always been drawn to that tension between form and formlessness. Around this time, I started painting with Rei (the daughter) – who was 8, and at times were directed creatively by Sanchia (the partner), I loved the innocence of it—the freedom from overthinking. It’s not about trying to create something overly conceptual, political, or burdened by the weight of contemporary expectations. Painting in this way felt liberating.
Honestly, it just made me happy—and there’s nothing wrong with that. I feel like art doesn’t always have to be clever. Maybe I’m okay with not trying to be so clever anymore